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Possession of Child Pornography

Updated: May 22, 2024 @ 10:14 pm

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

A person who is accused of the possession of child pornography a person found to be in possession of images, video, or written content which describes child sexual exploitation activities.

The media depicting or illustrating any sexual exploits of a child serves as evidence of the abuse of that child. We’ve seen all kinds of cases. We’ve seen cases in which parents have been drug through the criminal justice system and treated as sexual offenders for nothing more than taking part in the age old tradition of snapping in the nude photos of their young toddler or infant.

By the same token, we’ve been hired by people accused of sex crimes who were 100% innocent, as well as by defendants who intend to plead guilty as charged, but are seeking legal representation as a form of damage control.

This is a serious situation to deal with. The Law Offices of Tad Nelson and Associates are here to help if you’re facing the stigma of accusations related to the criminal act of possession of child pornography and need competent legal representation.

Possession of Child Pornography Defined

The United States Department of Justice defines child pornography as any depiction of a minor in a sexually compromising situation. Any form of media which has a depiction that sexually exploits a minor can be defined as Possession Of Child Pornography, a felonious criminal offense.

These images (written material included) are considered evidence of the sexual assault/abuse of a child, and is treated as such by prosecutors seeking convictions of defendants. State and federal law criminalizes the production, distribution, possession, and of course, the production of any form of media that fits the aforementioned definition of Child Pornography.

The Prosecutorial Environment

If you, or someone close to you, are formally charged with possession of child pornography in Galveston, Texas, you can expect the DA’s office to spare no effort in their pursuit of prosecuting you to the fullest extent of the law.

As a former prosecuting attorney for the Galveston County District Attorney’s Office I can tell you first hand that prosecutors pride themselves on how many hundreds of thousands of incarceration years they can rack up over the course of their career.

With this kind of mindset by so many of the criminal prosecutors in the state of Texas, including Galveston, it’s easy to see why almost every other week we hear of a person who has served many of the finite years of their life in prison, only to be released after their exoneration.

This is another reason that attorney tad Nelson is hard at work on earning his masters degree in forensic science. He knows the importance of understanding biological evidence, up to, and including, DNA, fingerprints, and other trace evidence.

Federal Criminal Cases

Anytime a sex crime is committed, and a child is involved, there is a possibility the United States Attorney’s Office will get involved making it a federal criminal defense matter. When the federal government gets involved with the prosecution of a child pornography case the defendant can expect stiff criminal penalties of up to 20 years in the penitentiary for each defense if found guilty in the court of law.

With the stakes so high, and the penalty for error a near terminal detriment, hiring the right lawyer to defend you in the court of law against allegations of your possession of child pornography is paramount. Attorneys Tad Nelson and Amber Spurlock will invest the time it takes to become keenly aware of your situation, scrutinize the evidence being used against you with a scientific eye, and will provide an aggressive defense based on substance.

Galveston Criminal Defense Lawyer

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